Learn to Let Go
Cindy Hallett
As busy people, we are always caught up in the day to day drama of life. We race to meetings and to get the kids to lessons; we are always focused on work, family, chores, bills and all the other details. We are not taught that is it important to put ourselves first in this mix. You may also want to see the blog “Three Little Words”.
We rarely take the time to allow ourselves to just Let Go. This is a very important practice to help all the aspects that make you; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Most people haven’t been taught they need to do this and more importantly, how to do this. You can record this blog and play it back or download it from my website .
Find a nice comfort seat, for many meditations you may lie down but for this one sit up. Never do any meditations while driving or in a situation that requires focus. Please do not do these exercises in your bed, only use your bed to sleep and make love.
Teach your family that if you are in this quiet place with your eyes closed, you are not to be disturbed. My animals know to be quiet and not to disturb me when I’m in this mode. Even if they burst into the room playing and romping, they will tiptoe out and whisper to each other, or settle down and join me.
moreThree Little Words To Find Peace
Cindy Hallett
I have found three little words that help me find peace and tranquility. These words have helped me stop worrying and obsessing about things that really aren’t that important and thinking about them is hurting more than helping. By being more relaxed and tranquil I surround myself with positive energy, I can think more clearly and manifest more effectively. I can let the light into my life.
Many of my clients are wrought up and spinning about certain subjects. The other day I had a client that was focused on their social media campaign; how many likes, comments and shares they got for each post; what to wear to please as many followers as possible; the reasons why followers didn’t approve of something about the client and how to adapt to please the followers. They were asking me to predict what their next move is to gain followers and thereby becoming “successful.” They really needed to follow these three little words.
I have another client who was all concerned about controlling everything around them; every decision for their spouse and children; how big to make the fenced yard and where to place the fence; what car their friend should buy. They were so overwhelmed trying to make every decision for everyone else, they could barely cope. They turned to me for some peace and guidance, they didn’t like these three little words.
moreHow to Feel Energy
Cindy Hallett
Energy is all around us in many different forms. Each of our five senses detects a different type of energy, sound waves, light waves, heat and cold, you get the idea. There are many other forms of energy that we all pick up on that we may not be aware of. You can’t help doing it, but since you are so good at detecting these energies, you don’t even realize that you are. The reason we detect energy so easily is because we are all energy in human form.
When you walk into a room, you can feel the energy. It either feels comfortable and welcoming, or maybe someone had an argument recently and the energy just feels off, not happy. You may feel the room is creepy and want to leave immediately, you may feel the presence of unfriendly spirits in there. Often, we make up an excuse why we don’t want to be there, often because we don’t understand it ourselves; the energy is uncomfortable.
When you meet someone, the first thing you observe from them is their energy. You may think it’s how they look, but that is part of how they feel to you. Sometimes you will instantly like or dislike the person, that usually indicates that you recognize their energy and have had past lives with them. Other times you get to know them and what you are feeling is an intracule part of your comfort level with them. You can often feel people coming before you see them.
moreUnderstanding Your Energy
Cindy Hallett
We all know about our five senses; sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, but what we don’t talk about is our ability to sense energy. Everybody has the ability to sense energy, we can feel when somebody is angry, sad, or happy. We can feel things around us, for example we can sense on the highway when a car in the next lane is about to cut us off, or if we walk into a room that “feels creepy”. Somehow, we just know this; some people call it clairvoyance or clairsentience; some people call it intuition but we all have it.
This ability to feel energy is not usually taught but that’s what we’re talking about developing for you. As we know, everything is energy whether its physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, everything is energy. Energy makes up the Universe, some energy can be seen, some energy can be heard, some energy can be felt, but it’s all energy.
Animals have a great ability to sense energy, their ability to smell is much better than ours, I got a new dog and he dug up all the bones buried in the yard by another dog 10 years earlier. Cats have the ability to see things that we can’t. Animals can sense an oncoming earthquake or a big storm, they know this because they can feel it. People can feel a whole lot more than we’re consciously aware of, a lot more than we pay attention to. If we open up our minds and realize what we’re feeling, the information we’re gathering through the energy that were perceiving, we would be able to deal with this world a whole lot more easily. Some call this Spirituality; being in touch with the energy around you.
moreFinding Freedom
Cindy Hallett
It is so satisfying watching clients step into their power and become their authentic self instead of trying to adapt to what others or society is expecting. This is a text from a client that I have been working with for almost two years. They have done classes, coaching, clearings and ThetaHealing™ with me. They had an epiphany and sent me this text. This client has my utmost respect and admiration in finding their truth. Enjoy.
Hello Cindy
I made the decision to walk away from the day job as of last night. Emailed my resignation letter. I feel I learned the lessons I was meant to learn there. My soul felt like it was scratching to get out of my body while I was there and I even started developing a rash on my skin and scalp which never happens as if I was having an allergic reaction to the negative energy there. I can’t smell fully yet (from Covid) but I had intermittent smells that gave me the psychic sense of a stress hormone and energetic gunk covering the walls there from ceiling to floor. I started smelling it heavily the last 2 days to the point I could not stand to be there. I left with peace, respect, and dignity. There was no reason to suffer or prove anything. I proved to myself that I had the courage to protect my energy and face the negativity there. It is complete.
morePast Life Soul Damage
Cindy Hallett
Past Life Soul Damage
We have all had many lives, as both sexes, as good people and bad as we define them, and on many planets and in many forms. Who you used to be is not as relevant as what events took place during these past lifetimes.
A friend told me that one of his clients came to him and said that she was a princess in a former life. He asked “What does that mean now?” We have all had our privileged lives and our challenging lives, that’s how we learn the lessons we need.
The way past lives come into my work is through soul damage. When a soul gets damaged it forms a scar which contains the source of the damage and if there are entity attachments, those can get stuck too.
Let’s imagine, in the 12th century, you were born to a lovely set of parents. When you were four years old, both your parents died of the plague, flu or other malady of the day. Now you are a four-year-old orphan with abandonment issues. The authorities put you to work in the coal mine where you feel abused and neglected. Any or all of these emotions could be stuck in the soul damage and rear its ugly head for each subsequent lifetime until healed.
Let’s take the abandonment issue. You may feel uncomfortable when left alone. As a child you may have panicked when your parents left for work or went on a trip. You may feel jealous of your mate and fear they might leave you. These past life damages can manifest in may ways and the soul needs to be healed for these to resolve.
moreYour Past Lives
Cindy Hallett
Are you interested in your past lives?
Would you like to know about the other lives you have lived? Who were you then? What were the living conditions? This is much easier to find out than you may think.
Many practitioners offer Past Life Regressions in their bill of fare, I don’t happen to do this one. You can find someone local on Google or look at the Holistic Chamber of Commerce. Past Life Regressions can be done remotely as well.
If someone has a particular issue, a Past Life Regression might shed some light on the source, especially if soul damage is involved (I do offer Soul Healing). Someone who has trouble losing weight may have starved to death several times. Someone with a birthmark resembling trauma may have died from this very trauma in a former life.
Evidence of past life talents are all around us. The child prodigy is generally one who is still connected to the knowledge base of a former life. Think of a music prodigy who can play difficult masterpieces perfectly at a young age. They can thank all the hours they put in practicing in their lifetime before.
Some people look like their former selves. Think of people who resemble fairies, pixies or elves. Sometimes when you look at someone, you feel the energy of an animal or other being, you’re probably right as to their origin, although this is difficult to verify.
moreLady in Bogota
Cindy Hallett
A client asked me to clear their friend’s mother in Bogota Columbia, they said she was very sick. I tuned in to her and found she had 284 Lost Souls, 53 Underworlds, 3 Galactics and a curse that was placed on her and three family members seven lifetimes ago. This woman felt very weak but very determined to rid herself of these reoccurring tortures.
I started by removing the curse which had resulted in her death all seven lifetimes. As the curse lifted, my body had spams it has never had before. At the same time, I intuited that my client immediately felt more life force flowing in to her. Then I removed the curse from her 3 family members.
Next, the Galactics were taken care of by the Council of Galactic Authority, one at a time. As each one was removed, I felt that my client could breathe more easily.
Then I started on the 53 Underworlds, 4 at a time. Underworlds always send the weakest ones first and work toward the strongest to try to wear you out. As Underworld numbers 16-20 were being removed, I felt as if something had hold of my client’s right eye. It was a battle to remove these entities while retaining the eye. With persistence and patience, we eventually we triumphed but I could tell this was very uncomfortable for her.
moreMt. Shasta #1 Personal Growth
Cindy Hallett
It’s amazing how our perspective changes with age and growth. When I was a kid, my family would go on vacation and stand before greatness in nature and my parents would say “Look at that! isn’t it magnificent?” I would survey the view and shrug my shoulders and say “Yea, it’s nice”. I knew my parents were seeing through eyes I wasn’t able to peer through. As an adult I was better able to grasp the wonder and excitement such a scene would conjure. Since my vibration has gone through many growth spurts and has risen quite high, I see all sorts of things that other people aren’t able to see. You will get to share my unique perspective throughout this four-part blog about this wonderful trip and the things I learned along the way.
My friend Diane and I have been on a Spiritual journey in Mount Shasta California. One of the reasons Mt. Shasta is so magical is below. Another reason is explained in part four of this blog series. Here is one explanation:
“There’s a well-known legend that says that somewhere deep beneath Northern California’s 14,179-foot-tall Mount Shasta is a complex of tunnels and a hidden city called Telos, the ancient “City of Light” for the Lemurians. They were the residents of the mythical lost continent of Lemuria, which met its demise under the waves of the Pacific (or the Indian Ocean, depending on who you ask) thousands of years ago. Lemurians believed to have survived the catastrophe are said to have settled in Telos, and over the years their offspring have been sporadically reported wandering around the area: seven-feet-tall, with long flowy hair, often clad in sandals and white robes.
moreMount Shasta #2 Lower Sand Flat Road
Cindy Hallett
My friend Diane and I are on a Spiritual journey to Mount Shasta California. Diane has been called to come here for two years, she was all ready to come before covid hit, and everything shut down. She made arrangements several times to come with different friends and each one fell through. When she asked me to join her, I was IN!
We arranged two tour guides for our trip, each one fantastic in their own way. Each tour was amazing and magical, the first was on 11/11/21. Eleven is both Diane’s and my number. We are both born on the 11th and I am exactly 11 months older. 11 shows up a lot on this trip, a sign the Angels are with us!
Our guide, Andrew Oser, has been giving tours on the mountain for almost 40 years. He emailed us to say we needed to rent waterproof boots, he didn’t think we would need show shoes, and told us where to get them. Show shoes were a bit more adventurous than I anticipated, so glad they weren’t required.
On 11/11 we rented our boots and met Andrew outside his home. He asked each of us about our goals for our mountain experience. I have learned to be open to whatever Spirit has planned for me. I knew of several issues that needed to be released and healed, but don’t dare override Spirit.
moreMt. Shasta #3 Olga’s Tour
Cindy Hallett
My friend Diane and I have been on a Spiritual journey in Mount Shasta California. Diane has wanted to visit here for two years, she was all ready to come and then covid hit, and everything shut down. She made arrangements several times to travel with different friends and each one fell through. When she asked me to join her, I was IN!
We arranged two tour guides for our trip, each one fantastic in their own way. The first was on 11/11/21 and is called Mt. Shasta #2, Lower San Flat Road. This article is about our second tour, with a young lady named Olga, owner of Galactic Traveller (.space). Olga is a psychic who is devoted to her craft and does her homework before meeting with her clients. She called us the day before our tour to get an idea of who we were and what we wanted to achieve.
For some reason, our Mt. Shasta tour guides wanted to begin our tour at City Park. This is a public park open to everyone, so Diane and I stopped here before meeting Olga for our tour. Big Springs in City Park is said to be the headwaters of the Sacramento River and the water runs pure and cold. It is also said to be healing water, we saw several people leaving with multiple gallon containers they had filled with this water.
moreMt. Shasta #4 Castle Crag
Cindy Hallett
My friend Diane and I are on a Spiritual journey in Mount Shasta California. Diane has been called here for about two years, she was all ready to come before covid hit, and everything shut down. She made arrangements several times to come with different friends and each one fell through. When she asked me to join her, I was IN!
We arranged two tour guides for our trip, each one fantastic in their own way. Each tour was amazing and magical, but it was our trip to Castle Crag that really hit home for me. Castle Crag is a very ancient stone structure, thought to be much older than the mountain itself. The tour books say it dates back about 650 million years.
Not being rock climbers, we weren’t able to lay hands directly on these ancient stones so we went to the State Park and up to the overlook. On one side is a beautiful panoramic view of Castle Crag, to the right of that is a beautiful view of Mt. Shasta herself. When I saw Castle Crag for the first time, my knees buckled under this intense ancient energy and I had to sit down.
I tuned into these historic stones and one main wall on the right was the Spokes-Stone. It said it was happy to see me again. I asked when we were together before and it said “back when you could fly”. I got the feeling that it was several comings of man ago, but after the conclusion of the war for power.
moreWhere Do Lost Souls Go?
Cindy Hallett
Where do Lost Souls Go?
To review, Lost Souls are people who have left their bodies (died), but haven’t crossed in to the light. For more information see my Blog, What Are Lost Souls?
When I first started studying the metaphysical, my teacher referred to these disconnected souls as “evil entities”. When I started working with them, I realized they aren’t evil, they’re lost or stuck. Imagine seeing a lost animal on the side of the road. Would you perceive them as evil or simply in need of assistance? When these souls are lost or stuck, they can wander around the earth looking for a way back in to the light, back to their soul group (family), back to their journey for as long as it takes them to get there.
Lost souls search for a safe haven to stay until they can return to the light, they may attach to people, places or things. People often ask me, when I tell them they have lost soul attachments, whether they know the attached souls. Usually they don’t, although I sometimes find ancestors that would like to give them a message. This proves to be difficult if the spirit is known from a past lifetime. I had a grandfather from three lifetimes ago wanting to give a message to his two granddaughters, now a mother and daughter pair. Needless to say, they didn’t remember him.
moreBuilding the Shungite Selenite Wall
Cindy Hallett
I first learned about Shungite from the Crystal expert Adrienne Goff. I was attending her Crystal class and she talked about this amazing crystal that does all kinds of magical things. This crystal, found only one location in Russia, is a pain reliever, heals almost everything, cuts EMF from technology, purifies water and fertilizes plants. She also told us about rooms lined with Shungite which existed only in Russia at the time, now there is one in Connecticut. These rooms concentrate the healing power of Shungite. Children which had been abandoned would be put in these room for less than an hour and the children would calm down and their emotions would normalize. People from the the Chernobyl nuclear incident would frequent these rooms and they would come out healed. Hearing about these wonderful results, I decided I wanted my own Shungite room but I wasn’t quite sure how to get there.
Shungite, like other solid black stones, absorb negative energy. Black stones don’t have the ability to clear themselves so like a sponge once they’re full they’re done helping you. The way to continually clear energies from crystals is with the power of Selenite. I have a vendor who owns the Selenite mine in New Mexico and because the New Mexico selenite grows in flat layers like tile, it is perfect for this purpose. New Mexico Selenite was actually used as windows before glass was invented. I decided if I combine the powerful black Shungite for healing, absorbing negative energy, pain relief and protection from EMF with the translucent white New Mexico selenite to clear and transmute negative energy into positive energy, that would be the ideal combination!
more10 Amazing Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt
Amanda Ennett
Imagine everyone sitting down for a big family feast. The best china set gently upon silk cloth, crystals brimming with fresh apple-cinnamon-ginger juice. An array of baked, steamed and sautéed vegetables decorate the table. Suddenly Grandma reaches for the salt, startled she rears back and exclaims, “Why is the salt PINK?!”
Oh Grandma, “Its Himalayan salt, and it’s wonderful!”
The Himalayan mountain range stretches across Asia passing through China, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and India. Most people associate the Himalayans with Mount Everest, the highest peak on this planet, but here is something new to think about- salt.
Once upon a time (a couple of hundreds of millions of years ago) crystallized sea salt beds, now deep within the Himalayans, were covered by lava. Aside from being kept it in a pristine environment that has been surrounded by snow and ice year round, the lava is thought to have protected the salt from modern-day pollution leading to the belief that Himalayan Pink salt is the purest salt to be found on earth. It is now hand-mined from the mountains and brought to the culinary market.
Why Pink?
moreShungite Not for Sissies
Stacie Coller
Shungite, Shungite, Shungite.... Nice to Meet You?
Welp, shungite. There is a whole lot of stuff being said of shungite that ranges from miracle healer to water purifier... to it having every element within it... to, well... there is a lot of stuff being said. The briefest gloss is that shungite is kinda like jet, because it is carbon that is created by decaying organic material, in shungite's case, underwater. The difference between jet and shungite is that shungite was made from the first algae that gave birth to our atmosphere because there were no plants yet. Then the organic material was exposed to and transformed by volcanic heat.
This gives shungite all of the elemental associations (which is as sexy as it gets with a rock, so to speak). Water, because it the decaying matter was in water. Air, because the algae from which it was formed created our atmosphere. Earth, because, well.. it's a rock. Fire, because of the transformation undergone through the volcanic heat. And Spirit, because the initial biomaterial was alive. It's pretty dang old too, though the range on the scientific sites varying its age between millions to approximately 2 billion years old. Meh, it's old.
moreFour Primary Aspects
Cindy Hallett
Each of us is ruled by four primary aspects; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When issues arise in one of these aspects, it can manifest in another. Think of when you were in grade school and had to face a test you didn’t feel ready for. You usually ended up with a stomach ache or actually getting sick. This is an example of a mental source manifesting in the physical. It’s not always easy to tell where the source of an issue is, but we can usually identify the area that it manifests.
Just as issues stem from different sources, it takes different types of doctors to treat them. If an issue is physical, you would seek out a specialist in that field; if you become pregnant you would find an OBGYN, not a sports medicine doctor. If you have a tooth ache you would see a dentist, not a proctologist.
No doctor will guarantee the outcome of their work. They cannot predict how your body, mind or spirit will react to a procedure or how ready you are to embrace the resolution. Many times, I have clients that profess they want their issue fixed but their subconscious says differently. The more we try to help, the more frustrated the client gets and the more the subconscious hangs on for dear life. The joke is on us, the subconscious has as much, if not more, power over us than our conscious mind.
moreDeceased Loved Ones
Cindy Hallett
Deceased Loved Ones Are Often with Us.
Not all entities are negative. We have many entities around us at all time, some are angels, some are fairies, others are spirits, but today we want to talk about deceased loved ones; DLOs.
Deceased loved ones can come from any lifetime and from any generation. I often have people tell me that it’s impossible to have a great great-great-grandparent with them because they never met, at least not in this incarnation. Remember, we all know each other from our soul group on the other side.
My great grandmother has been with me most of my life, her name is Lucille. She’s my father’s grandmother who died in the 1890s in one of the fires in Chicago. Obviously, my father never knew her as he wasn’t born yet. She thinks that women of today are wonderful! We get to drive, we get to vote, we get to have our own businesses, we get to have her own opinions. She longed for that in her lifetime but she was very bored with her circumstances and decided to check out early, in her mid-20s.
Deceased loved ones are here to help us. Sometimes they believe they know better what is in our highest good than we do. As we know, sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The deceased loved ones, although well-meaning, are sometimes pesky. I had a client who called me because he kept getting woken up at 6 o’clock in the morning. He figured it must be an evil entity not allowing him to sleep. We cleared him, his mother, and his home. He called back and said “It didn’t work, I’m still getting woken up at 6 o’clock in the morning”. I checked in again and found this to be his grandfather on his Mother’s side who kept saying “come on son, we’re gonna find you a job!”.
moreSometimes there are signs
Cindy Hallett
I had an interesting client this week, he called me for a friend of his that is having a lot of trouble but she’s the subject of another blog. In a nutshell, she has a lot of entities from many lifetimes and keeps trying to run from them like a cat with a string tied to its tail, or more appropriately from the movie Cars; Mater and the Ghost Light. This client allowed his friend to stay in his apartment for a couple nights trying to evade the entities, unfortunately by doing this, he ended up with a lot of entity attachments, both in his apartment and on him!
They knew I was coming to clear them
My client requested that I do and in person clearing so we arranged a time and I went over to the apartment. I knocked on the door using the door knocker but didn’t hear anybody inside so I knocked on the door a bit louder with my hand and I still didn’t hear anybody. I knew he was expecting me so I called him but the phone never rang, it went straight to voicemail. I hung up and called him again and the same thing happened, this time I left him a voicemail that I was waiting outside. Then I decided to text him and let them know “I’m here!”. I didn’t receive any response to the electronic communications, so I banged on the door again and low and behold there he was. I told him what I was going through and he said didn’t hear my knocks and he hadn’t received any texts or calls, but he knows that entities can manipulate electronics and said that they had been in his computer.
moreHow Do I Know If My Home Needs Cleansing?
Cindy Hallett
If you are asking this question, you probably do need at least an energy cleansing, and possibly an entity clearing.
To determine whether there is negative energy in your home and property, notice whether there are certain areas that make you uncomfortable. Do you pass through an area of your home and get angry or sad? Has anyone ever described a certain area as creepy or gotten the shivers? This would indicate stuck bad energy and requires at least cleansing.
Energy cleansing can be done by any competent practitioner or by the homeowner themselves. Energy can get stuck when there have been arguments in the house, when a current or former resident is fearful, or emotionally upset, depressed or disturbed. Energy can be cleansed using Reiki, burning Sage, using an essential oil spray, or by other holistic means. If this doesn’t solve the problem you may need a professional energy cleansing or an entity clearing.
You maybe asking “What’s the difference between energy and entities?” Excellent question! Entities are sentient meaning they are energetic beings with reasoning power, although not in the physical. Energy is not sentient. Think of energy as the sun streaming through your window. If you want to block it, close the shade (i.e., burn Sage). Think of entities as a mongoose running around your living room, you can close the shade but it won’t remove the animal, and may aggravate it, so you probably need to call an expert.
moreHow to Find Your Favorite Crystals
Cindy Hallett
Crystals are known for being sparkly and beautiful, but did you know they also put out unique energy frequencies that affect each of our unique energy frequencies? Crystals have amazing properties. Each mineral has a distinct geometric form which it grows, the hardness varies, the associated element varies; wind, fire, storm or earth, the chakra the color, and where it was found geographically. These variables give each type of crystal their unique qualities.
As we each vibrate at very different frequencies from each other, we also respond differently to crystals. For example, my Reiki Master once told me, while we were discussing protection crystals, that she couldn’t hold Black Tourmaline because it didn’t feel good to her, she said she much preferred Hematite. I said, “I can’t even hold Hematite, it’s much too strong; I much prefer Black Tourmaline.”
Cindy Hallett
COVID-19 has brought uncertainty in our personal lives and in society as a whole. This experience has produced what I call a Worldwide Wave of Worry because many can’t help but question how things will end up.
Over the last month, I have spoken to many clients who are living in a state of worry and fear. I too, am fighting to stay balanced at times, and want to offer my advice on how you can protect yourself.
Put out the energy you want to receive
Just as you gain strength and power from the unity of people’s energy, praying together, or doing Reiki at the same time, the same happens with negative emotions. The energy we send out is the energy we get back, sometimes magnified, but when combined with other people’s energies, a tidal wave can form!
As people grow more concerned about their lives, they put out the energy of worry. Even though we attempt to be positive, we’re just not sure what’s going to happen, so there is an underlying hum of anxious energy being sent out. This feeling of uncertainty doesn’t only affect our household, our community, or even our state, and it affects the entire world.
It may be hard to focus on the positive, but you must find ways to ground yourself so you can radiate a positive light. The world desperately needs your positive energy right now!
moreShift your energy: The Attitude of Gratitude
Cindy Hallett
Would you like to bring your happiness point closer while you sleep so you can have a better tomorrow? When we go to bed, we usually review our day; what went right but mostly what went wrong. We think about what we might have said during an argument, how unrealistic the boss is about the amount of work they expect and how much we didn’t get done, or guilt about the diet we ate that day. When we go to bed thinking about these situations, our jaw can tighten, our back can tense, and our sleep is strained and unsatisfying. When we awaken, instead of feeling invigorated after a night’s sleep, we can feel exhausted, having to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning to do it all again.
What if we made a few minor adjustments by accepting that problems are lessons in disguise and realizing these lessons propel us forward and make us wiser?
When you think of your lessons as gifts to help you develop as a person, you’ll begin to let go and release negative feelings instead of holding onto them all night. You will allow them to drip off of you like water and ask your Angels to take them away. If they are unresolved, you can always take them back in the morning, but they don’t serve you when you are sleeping.
moreHimalayan Pink Salt – What’s the big deal?
Cindy Hallett
You have seen Himalayan Pink Salt in natural lamps, carved lamps, in edible form, and even in spa kits. Why is pink salt so popular? The short answer is “The things it can do are truly amazing!”. Because it was deposited between 250 and 600 million years ago, it is one of the few sea salts on the market that doesn’t contain plastic.
Himalayan Pink Salt is often sold as lamps because they naturally attract humidity, and when the moisture reaches the warm lamp, negative ions are emitted. Similar to the effects of a deionizer sold by Brookstone or Sharper Image, salt lamps are most familiar in natural form, and these little beauties never wear out. You just need to replace the light bulb when it burns out. I recommend you avoid LED-powered salt lamps. They look cute on your computer, but because LED bulbs don’t heat up, they aren’t able to produce negative ions.
moreWhat Are Entities? - Lost Souls
Cindy Hallett
Although there are several types of entities, the most common are sometimes called spirits or ghosts, shadows or apparitions. I refer to them as Lost Souls. These are people who have left their bodies (died), but haven’t crossed in to the light. Think of how many people in this world have died since the beginning of Mankind, if the souls of only 1% still remain in this plane of existence, can you imagine how many souls there are floating about? You couldn’t walk down the street without encountering masses of Lost Souls. This is why, once you are clear of all negative energies and entities, you must adopt the ritual of flexing your Spiritual cleansing “muscle” to build your immunity. You do this through meditation and energetic intention.
Lost Souls are looking for a safe place to reside until they can finally find their way in to the light so they can continue with their journey. Entities can attach to anything they like the energy of; people; objects; houses, businesses or property. They may stay near a family member or loved one or they may float freely. Animals can see them coming and will not allow entities to attach, unless the animal is rescuing their owner. Then they will keep taking on entities until they die.
moreWhat are Entities?
Cindy Hallett
Entities are Spirits or other form of energy that are around you all the time, not all entities are unwanted. Entities are sentient, energies are not. Some forms of desirable entities include Angels, Guides and Deceased Loved Ones (DLO’s). These types of entities are helping to keep you safe and on your path. Many are assigned to you and are always with you, others come and go and you may call in as you need them.
There are undesirable entities which can attach to you or your auric field, you might find them in your home or place of business, you may encounter them walking down the street or they may be attached to someone visiting you and decide they like you better. These are the ones that need to be addressed and removed before they become ingrained. The longer entities are attached to you, the harder they are to remove and the more traumatic for you, the host. This is why it’s so important to be checked and cleared regularly. These entities gain strength from fear so if you feel you have negative attachments, take action to get help and try not to play into their dark forces.
Undesirable Entities fit into four categories listed from most common to the least. With the first two categories I rarely ever find just one entity, there are usually multiple, sometimes ever hundreds. Detailed descriptions and case studies can be found in other posts. The terminology may vary between practitioners.
moreWhat can I expect from a Spirit Clearing?
Cindy Hallett
So, you feel that you have, or have been told that you have, entity attachments, now what? Many people panic and run around like a cat with tape on its foot. Odds are, you have had these attachments for a long time, possibly several lifetimes, so although this is very important it is not an urgent matter.
Finding the right practitioner is imperative, not everyone is compatible. First discuss with your practitioner what you are dealing with. Make sure you are comfortable with his or her energy and that they are competent. I find practitioners will charge you a hefty sum to “clear energy”, they pray and burn sage. You can do this yourself and although clear of energies the entities remain, which are the root of the problem. Many people believe that they must be seen in person for a practitioner to evaluate or work on them, this is not true. Because we are working with removing energetic beings, you can be worked on from anywhere in the world. I have clients all over the United States, in the middle east, far east, all over Europe and Australia, and I cleanse their energy from my magic chair in Texas.
When you call me, The Entity Doctor for an entity check, I will tune into you and check for these disruptions: (Different practitioners may use different terminology)
moreCause everyone knows an ant, cant...
Cindy Hallett
Perspective is everything!
Imagine that you are an ant, you work every day as a drone, you collect the things are told to collect and you carry them in the line back to the colony. This is what you do day after day, this is what’s normal, this is your world, your universe. You often wonder if there’s anything beyond your world. Sometimes you hear loud noises, sometimes shadows go over the working line and then all of a sudden, they’re gone again. During your break, you discuss with the ant next to you your theory of what might lie beyond your world. The response you get is “well you have to prove it to me if I am ever going to believe it”.
We all know people who want scientifically proven evidence that God or the universe or things we cannot see actually exist. Sometimes it just comes down to faith. It’s not your job to prove to these “science guys” that your theories are correct, it’s not their job to prove your theories are incorrect. Everybody gets to believe whatever they’re comfortable with.
As in the ant story, we have trouble conceiving of other dimensions. Imagine your friend, the ant, as you the human looked down upon him doing his daily routine. These ants have no concept of the dimension of vertical because it’s simply out of their realm of understanding, too big to see. This might be the same for us as other species looked down upon us watching our daily work taking place and we have no concept that they exist. Our analogy of the ant is physical because this is what we can relate to. Energetically there may be many, many spirits that are watching over us including angels, guides, deceased loved ones. Also, around us are Galactics beings; some benevolent, others out to hurt us. There may be battles between dark and light entities happening that we cannot see, but we feel them. There may be some days we feel out of sorts and angry for no particular reason. Some people may blame these feelings on astrologic energy coming in from the Universe, and it may well be. But this chaotic energy swirling around us could also be a waging war and we don’t even know it.