Spirit Attachment Removal

If you are experiencing thoughts that aren’t yours, a sense of being touched, a feeling you are not alone, then you may need a Spiritual Cleansing. You are frustrated because you have tried to talk about these problems only to be told you’re crazy. You’re NOT CRAZY; this stuff is scary, and it’s REAL.

Schedule Your Appointment!

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What are you dealing with?

There are simply energies that can be dispelled with sage, prayer, and holy water. Then there are the tough ones that must be removed by teams of divine beings under the direction of The Entity Doctor. Together we address each type of undesirable attachment and use the most effective method to extract them from you, your family, your home, and your business.

Many issues exist that might be affecting you. The Entity Doctor will identify the type and quantity of entity attachments, look at the health of your soul for; damage, spells, entwinements, fragmentations, portals, and past life issues, and we will see if you are an abductee. Once we have a diagnosis, we will make a plan of action to free you from what’s been holding you back.


Clearing, Healing, Protection

In addition to being cleared of negative attachments, you will be cleansed of excess energies and protected from future attacks. You will receive a short protection prayer to protect yourself and build your spiritual muscle. The Entity Doctor will cut all cords that do not serve you, and you will receive a healing to start you on the road to full recovery.

Won’t it be a relief to know for SURE whether you need help? Make an appointment for a New Client Consultation so The Entity Doctor can examine you. Your future health and happiness are waiting.

During Your Clearing

After Your Clearing

Tune ups